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Describe Yourself

Updated: Aug 17, 2020

I was having dinner with a dear friend one evening I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Ask her to describe herself.”

When I had asked her, she described just a few attributes. However, she is so much more than who she described.

As I reflected on this conversation, I was reminded of a time about fifteen years ago when a person asked me to describe myself. I replied, “Brown hair, brown eyes and average height.” Well, doesn’t that describe a huge percentage of planet earth?

I joke about how I had described myself over fifteen years ago because although I may battle occasionally with “self-perfectionism,” you know where you say things like, “I should be this, I should be that, I should say this or that, I should have accomplished this or that by the time I am xyz years old.” It still plays into how I describe myself and how I walk through life. Sometimes I can be my own worst critic until I remind myself of what God has already said about me.

For example, in Proverbs 31:10-31 (AMP) In part God says we are valued, noble, worth more than rubies. We provide, we work eagerly, we bless others selflessly, we are clothed in strength, dignified, we speak with wisdom, we are faithful, blessed, honorable, watchful, creative, just to name a few.

In Psalm 91:15 (AMP) God says He will deliver us and honor us.

I remember crying my eyes out in joy at the mere thought that God’s will is to honor us.

Going back to describing myself, I now understand a little more clearly. When I “reflect” on what God says I do not need the broken mirror image of what the world dictates or what I think I should be, should look like, behave like or even dress like. My perception is now renewed and not deceived.

We have been blinded by many false images of who we are, so much so that we tend to believe the lies and try to alter ourselves to fit into these categories. All the while never truly hitting the mark of “self-perfectionism.” When we now see ourselves as God sees us, then the little packages that we are in no longer limit us.

For me it was a process of healing. A letting down my walls and truly embracing who God said I am.

God loves me and God doesn’t make junk.

So here I go now to describe myself because of God and Jesus’ sacrifice, I am:

Blessed, loved, healed, whole, strong, fierce, loving, joyful, thirsty to help others, righteous, highly favored, spiritually gifted, funny, faithful, loyal, creative, a woman who when I get up in the morning the enemy says, “Oh, crap, she’s up again,” a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a minister, an example of His love here on earth, powerful and walking in authority, most of all His daughter and joint heir with Christ Jesus.

Yes, I am 5’6” with brown hair and brown eyes according to what the human eyes may see. But I am so much more and so are you! We are FIERCE!!!

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